MuleSoft Online Training
MuleSoft is the world’s leading integration platform for SOA,SaaS,and APIs. MuleSoft provides exceptional business agility to companies by connecting applications,data, and devices, both on-premises and in the cloud with an API-led approach.
Cheyat Technologies provides Mulesoft Online Training to Become Job Ready in Mulesoft by experiencing realtime implementation of various features of Mulesoft like Anypoint Studio Integration techniques, Testing and debugging Mule applications, Deploying and running applications on CloudHub. We undertake On-project supports for all IT Technologies.
MuleSoft Online Training Course content
- "Introduction to ESB and Mule / started then and now
- greenshot / editplus / google sync /
- existing micro service project demo / rest concepts recap
- cloning the project for various domains
- Mule IDE basics, versions, design, features
- Mule Run Time , Versions, design, exisitng examples"
- "Hello World Program
- calling Mule Service
- connectors(http, file, DB, JMS, SFTP, Quartz, Jetty, AnypointMQ, Mongo DB, WebService, Salesforce, SAP)
- endpoints, global xml, properties, mule application file structure / Reading and writing message properties Writing expressions with Mule Expression Language (MEL) Creating variables "
- "scopes(flow, subflow, batch, poll, cache, until successful)
- scopes(composite, processor, message enricher)
- components(log, echo, expression, flow reference, grrovy, java, invoke)
- components( script, batch execute, AMQP, APIKit, REST)
- transformers(set payload, session variable, variable, property, expression, append string, parse tamplate )
- transformers(attachment, string-bytearray, Object-String, Object-ByteArray, Object-JSOn, Object-XML, Object-JMSMesage )
- transformers(XML-DOM, XML-Object, XML-JSON, JSON-Object, JSON-XML, JMSMessage-Object, File-String, File-ByteArray, GZip-Compress-uncompress, )"
- "filters(and, custom, exception, expression, filter reference, idempotent, message, message property, not, or, payload, regex, wildcard)
- flowcontrol(choice, first successful, round robin, scatter gather, splitter)
- error handling Exception Strategy(catch, choice, custom, exception mapping, reference, rollback)
- security(OAuth)"
- "http connector
- url configuration
- host port base path settings
- threading profile settings
- TLS SSL settings
- Path and GET POST method settings"
- "Postman. Curl, fiddler usage
- response and error response settings
- header details customization
- retrieving rest and soap results
- write results to LOG and FILE"
- "Integrating micro service project with mule studio
- generating bulk data for testing
- insert bulk data in to FILE
- provide bulk data as JSON object to Mule Sercvice
- access micro sercvices TEST data from Mule Service"
- "WRITE JSON data in to FILE
- create files from JSON data and write to File Folder
- LOG JSON data for audit purpose
- debugging
- munit
- design microservice / or REST service
- design database"
- "design screen UI
- write business class
- write db class
- expose REST API
- create Mule Http Connector
- invoke REST
- invoke Http Connector
- receive JSON data
- write to file"
- "filters(and, custom, exception, expression, filter reference, idempotent, message, message property, not, or, payload, regex, wildcard)
- flowcontrol(choice, first successful, round robin, scatter gather, splitter)
- error handling Exception Strategy(catch, choice, custom, exception mapping, reference, rollback)
- multicasting messages
- scopes(flow, subflow, batch, poll, cache, until successful, composite, processor, message enricher)
- components(log, echo, expression, flow reference, grrovy, java, invoke, script, batch execute, AMQP, APIKit, REST)
- set payload, session variable, variable, property, expression, append string, parse tamplate, attachment,"
- "byte array to hex string
- hex string to byte array
- xml to dom
- dom to xml
- object to input stream
- byte array to object
- byte array to string
- object to string
- csv to JSON / Getting familiar with the different types of transformers Using the DataWeave Transform Message component Writing DataWeave expressions for basic and complex XML, JSON, and Java Using DataWeave with data sources that have associated metadata Adding custom metadata to data sources "
- "append string transformer
- CSV to DB
- XSLT Transformer
- CSV to XML
- XML to CSV
- XML to XML
- file to string
- file to log
- Dynamic JSON
- mapping and listing
- jackson object to JSON"
- "file connector and related flows
- db connector - common
- mongodb - cassandra - connector installation and set up
- template query
- create "
- "ddl / truncate / drop / alter
- DML Delete/update/select
- insert / rename /
- bulk execute from file
- stored procedure
- mysql CRUD"
- "prepared-statement
- multi database access
- mssql postgress
- Prameterized Querys
- batch processing db polling"
- "rabbit mq
- installation
- consumer
- producer
- queue topic
- exchange
- connector
- mule flow
- json file batch process"
- "active mq
- installation
- consumer
- producer
- queue topic
- connector
- mule flow
- json file batch process"
- "anypoint mq
- installation
- consumer
- producer
- queue topic
- exchange
- connector
- mule flow
- json file batch process"
- LDAP Oauth BOX Quartz Compress Uncompress Encrypt Decrypt
- " Understanding SEDA architecture
- Implementing 1-way SSL"
- "Understanding API development cycle
- Using the API designer
- Introduction to RAML
- Creating RAML based APIs
- Saving RAML APIs with proper syntax
- Testing RAML services using mocking service
- Understanding RAML response
- Working with API portal"
- "Introduction to Anypoint Exchange
- Configuring access and roles
- Creating RESTful Interfaces
- Introduction to APIKit
- Using APIKit to create RESTful interfaces
- Wiring the interfaces & implementations
- Wiring all flows / Discovering and installing connectors not bundled with Anypoint Studio "
- "Overview of CloudHub
- Mulesoft events
- Multicast events
- Validate events
- Error Handling
- Mule VPC overview"
- "authenticating-salesforce-using-oauth2
- cache-scope-with-salesforce-contacts
- salesforce-data-retrieval
- salesforce-data-synchronization-using-watermarking-and-batch-processing"
- "salesforce-to-MySQL-DB-using-Batch-Processing
- import-contacts-into-salesforce
- import-leads-into-salesforce
- import-contacts-asynchronously"
- "import-contacts-into-ms-dynamics
- netsuite-data-retrieval
- get-customer-list-from-netsuite
- sap-data-retrieval
- adding-a-new-customer-to-workday-revenue-management"
- "overview of connectors dropbox
- amazon s3
- salesforce CRUD
- stripe
- servicenow
- Box
- sonarqube
- SF via Java
- LaunchDarkly
- netsuite"
- "overview of connectors MS Dynamics
- microsoft azure
- SA Push Notification
- stripe
- AllegroGraph
- MarkLogic
- slack
- workday
- MS SharePoint BMC Remedy AR System"
- "overview of connectors github
- Google Spreadsheets
- Microsoft DotNet
- Python Component Reference
- Windows Azure Service Bus Queue
- Windows Azure Service Bus Topic
- Google Contacts
- FTP Connector
- KeenIO
- jBPM"