Angular JS Online Training
AngularJS Online Training course is most demanding course in the market. AngularJS is used for building sophisticated and structured Single page Web application, one page web applications. AngularJs uses HTML to define the app’s user interface. It provides a rich API that helps to organize your JavaScript code and makes it easier for you to develop Single Page Web Application which is based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) application design paradigm.
There are very good jobs available with good billing both in India & USA for AngularJS Skillset.
Cheyat is one of the best institute to provide AngularJS online training course with best price, We are best quality training provider of AngularJs online Training. you will also get AngularJS tutorials and video recordings of classes. Register in our website for AngularJS Online Training.
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Angular JS Online Training Course content
Target Web Application Development using Angular5
- Web Application Development using Angular5 above Node Architecture
- Application development using Visual Studio Code IDE
- Programming language using Javascript
- OOPs implementation using TypeScript in detail
Understand UI Technologies (MEAN Fullstack)
- Introduction
- Available JavaScript frameworks
- Understand Web Application
- Client Side and Server Side Web Applications
HTML5 Concepts
- Understand HTML
- HTML Tags
- HTML UI Elements
- HTML 5 related tags
CSS3 Concepts
- Understand CSS
- Inline css, internal css, external css
- Apply styles
- Classes, division tags, etc.,
- Introduction to Angular
- Difference between AngularJs1.x and Angular 2/4/5
- Understand difference between other Web technologies like JSP, ASP.NET, PHP with Angular
IDE for UI Technologies
- Available Software to develop UI Frontend Web Applications
- Atom, sublime,eclipse,etc.,
- Visual Studio Code
- Installation, using Visual Studio code
- NodeJs importance
- Introduction, architecture, installation
- Node Package Manager
- Introduction, importance
- Using npm
- Installation external module
ES6(ECMA Script 2015)
- Introduction, History, Standards
- Available Software for ECMA script
- Typescript, Babel, etc.,
Inroduction to Javascript
- Introduction and importance of Javascript
- Data types,
- Javascript keywords
- console.log() global object
- control structures (if, switch, loops)
Javascript objects
- String object, Array object (collections), Math Object
- Window object (HTML Page), etc.,
Javascript functions
- Understand functions
- FE, IIFE, Callback, Closures, etc.,
- Import and export javascript modules
- Understand JSON
- Create json objects and iterate
- Json array objects collection
OOPs using Type script
- OOPs concepts
- OOPs features
- Introduction to typescript
- Installation, Syntax, Keywords
- classes, object, enum, etc.,
- Inheritance, interface
- Module, etc.,
- Singleton pattern, DI (Dependency Injection )etc.,
Client Server Architecture
- Understand Architecture
- Two parties
- Application => Server and Client
- Service => Provider and Consumer
Multithreaded Model
- Multithreaded model commonly used in .NET and Java Architectures
Single threaded Model
- Single threaded model used in NodeJS
- Ajax
- Asynchronous calls
- call back functions help in NodeJS
- Understand Angular5
Angular CLI
- Introduction, Installation of Angular5
- Create angular Project using commands
- Angular CLI commands
Angular Project File structure
- Create Angular Project
- Understand AngularProject File Structure
Angular Modules
- Understand Module,
- Understand Angular5Module
- Syntax to create a module
- Understand parts of Angular module
- Angular module meta data, Feature module
Angular component
- Understand Angular5 component
- Syntax to create a components
- Structure of Angular Component
- Meta data using @component decorator
- Nesting components
- @Input() parameters
- Understand decorator Import decorators,
- Properties inside decorator, sytax
UI Page/ View
- Understand template, templateUrl
- Display data in templates
Data Binding Interpolations
- Interpolation {{}}
- Two way data binding
- event binding
- property binding
- pass data from controller to view and view to controller
Event Binding
- Understand events:
- (click), (dblclick), (mouseover), etc.,
Style binding
Style- styleUrl properties
- ngStyle
- Conditional styling
- Understand Directives and pipes
- Structural directives-ng-if, else, ng-for
- Attribute directives-built in
- Attribute directives-custom
- Using directive values
- Working with events in directives
- Angular pipes-built in
- Angular pipes-custom
Angular component life cycle hooks
- Working with OnInit
- OnChange
- OnDestroy interfaces
RESTful Services (Web API)
- Understand service
- Types of Services
- Difference between SOAP based and RESTful services
Consume Web Services http service
- Create RESTful web service using NodeJs
- Consume Web Service using Angular2
- Perform CRUD operations on Database table
Advanced concepts
- Understanding routing and navigations
- Route module
- Navigation
- Build angular project
- Host angular project in IIS