ServiceNow Online Training
Cheyat Tech Providing ServiceNow Online Training with highest standards. we have well experienced instructors to deliver ServiceNow Online Training.
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ServiceNow Online Training Course content
Unit 1: Introduction to Service-Now
- Tool Introduction
- Current Competitors
- Releases
- Creating a developer account
Unit 2: User Administration
- Creating a new user
- Group and Roles
- Assigning a role to a group,impersonating a user
Unit 3: Data Management
- Database structure
- Key table-management modules
- Creating a table
- Task table
- Configuration management table
- Extending the configuration table.
Unit 4: Application Scopes
- Application architecture
- Service Now applications
- Creates a new application
- Creating application artifacts
- Accessing information in different scopes
Unit 5: Modules, Forms, and Views
- Creating a new module
- Different module link types
- Managing module order
Unit 6: Introduction to Service NowScripting
- Client-side scripts
- Server-side scripts
- Execution order of scripts
- Glide Form
- Glide User
- Glide Menu
- GlideList2
- Server-side Glide API
Unit 7: Client-Side Scripting
- on Load client scripts
- on Change client scripts
- on Submit client scripts
- UI policies
- UI scripts
- Disabling client-side scripts
Unit 8: Server-Side Scripting
- Business rules
- Script includes
- UI actions
Unit 9: Events and Notifications
- Events
- Script actions
- Notifications
Unit 10: Workflow Development
- Workflow basics
- Using workflow editor
- Workflow activities
- REST calls using a workflow.
Unit 10: Debugging in Service Now
- Syntax editor
- Script Debugger
- JavaScript Log
- Field Watcher
Unit 11: Advanced Database Features
Unit 12: Job Scheduling and DataExport-Import
- Scheduled script execution
- Exporting data
- Form export
- List export Direct URL access
- Importing data using Import Sets
Unit 13: CMDB
Unit 14: Integrations
Servicenow Online Training FAQS: -
1)  What is Servicenow?
Servicenow is a SaaS( Software as a Service) platform offerred by Servicenow,Inc. And used by global corporations. Servicenow allows companies to manage processes and create custom applications using a single system of record framework.
2)  what are the prerequisites to learn Servicenow Online Training?
Servicenow is a cloud based tool works with Java script. So it is compulsary to have good knowledge on Java Script. For learing advance concepts we need to Angular JS knowledge also.
Even a fresh graduate with Basis JAVA Script knowledge will be able to learn Servicenow.
3)  Why we have to choose Cheyat Technologies for Dotnet Online Training?
You can definitely choose Cheyat Tech for Learning Servicenow Online Training. We provide both Live- interactive Online Training & Video-based training also. We provide the best lab setup wherein you can implement all your practicals and Real-time project-oriented assignments.
Cheyat Tech provides Online training / On-project supports / Interview preparation support for all IT Technologies.