Python Online Training
Python Online Training Demo Video
Python Online Training Course content
- Key words & Identifier
- Statements,Quotations & comments
- Python datatypes – simple and complex
- Python I/O and Import
- Python Operators
- Operator precedence
Native Data types
- Python numbers
- Data type conversions
- Python Lists
- Assign values to list
- Accessing values from list
- List functions – compare, length, sequence, min, max, delete, append, count,
- Index, remove, range, zip, sort
- Limitations of lists ……
- Python Tuples
- Assign values to tuple
- Accessing values from tuple
- Difference between a list and tuple
- Delete tuple elements
- Tuple functions – compare, length, min, max, time…
- Python String
- Assign values to string
- Accessing values from string
- String special operators – slice, concatenate, repetition
- String functions - count, find, rfind, lfind, upper, lower
- Joins, seq
- Is functions, strip functions
- Replace …..
- Python Set
- OR
- Python dictionary
- Assign values to dictionary
- Accessing, updating & deleting values from dictionary
- Dictionary properties
- Dictionary functions – compare, length, clear, copy, get, has_key,
- Keys, date and time ……
Flow control – Decision making
- If
- If else
- Nested if
- If …elif…else
- For loop
- While loop
- Nested loops
- Break and continue
Python Operators-
- Arithmetic
- Relational
- Assignment
- Logical
- identity
- Rules to define a function
- Calling a function
- Pass by reference
- Function arguments
- Random number functions
- Mathematical functions
- Abs, ceil, floor, math, compare, min, max
- Round, sqrt, random,seed
- Python modules
- Import different modules
- Python package
- Function arguments
File handling
- Python Files I/O
- Exception handling
- Open and close files
- Reading and writing files
- Renaming and deleting files
Object & class
- Python class
- Creating classes
- Accessing attributes
- Instances
- Inheritence
Concepts of Numpy
- Numpy Properties
- Types of Arrays
- Universal functions
- Shape manipulation
- Broad casting
- Polynomials
- Vectorize functions
Concepts of Scipy
- Characterstics of scipy
- Integration and multiple integration
- Characterstics of pandas
- Import libraries
- Read and write files
- Create plots – Histogram, scatter, box plots
- Generate frequency tables
- Treat missing values and outliers
- Connecting to data bases
- Create a table, insert, execute
- Commit and rollback
- Bar chart
- Stacked bar
- Pie chart